About Journal

Journal Title in ISSN.ORG : KINERJA : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Editor in Chief : Kurnia Budhy Scorita | Editor Board | Reviewer
ISSN in LIPI : 2686-3286 (online) 
Subject Areas : Management, business, e-business, and entrepreneurship | Focus and Scope
Publication Frequency : 2 issues per year (January and July)
Journal Policies and Guidelines : Copyright | License |Author Guidelines 
Journal Indexing : Google Scholar | Garuda | Sinta

KINERJA : Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis is a peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for original publications relevant to economics, management and business, for researchers, lecturers, students and alumni both from the Faculty of Economics and Business, As-Syafi'iyah Islamic University and from other universities. The Performance Journal is published twice a year, namely January and July.